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Facebook is one of the outstanding  and popular social medias of the 21th century. As at 14th May 2021 the records according shows that over 2.8 billion people are active users of facebook. This goes to show the huge opportunities and potential which this platform offers to every business entity to be able to reach a desired volume of customers.  

There are two ways massive attention can be brought to a business or individual projects to boost or enhance it using facebook ;

  • The Social Page
  • The Ad Manager

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1.The Social Page: Many people are not aware that though you may not be allowed to place a designed advert on your facebook social page for free, but you can use your social page to pass across very powerful information about your business or project. Whenever you open your facebook account, first thing that pops up is a dialogue page that asks you “Whats on your mind” This page allows you to make post to the public at no cost at all.

Also there is also another dialogue page that asks you to “ share your story”. From any of the above pages you can reach millions of people with your messages about yourself, your business, your project, your family, your organisation etc. From this page facebook even allows you to talk or let people know what you sell as can be seen on the screen shot below.

However there is a caveat here, facebook will always remind you that “Some things can not be sold on facebook. This includes animals, drugs weapons and items that infringe upon the intellectual property of any third party view our commerce policies”. This message direct from facebook confirms that there are certain items that you can present, showcase and even sell to the public using your facebook social page and that is usually without cost.

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2.Ad Manager: This is the real official platform that facebook has provided for business and commercial activities, where you can place advertisements at a fee: here there are a few things you need to do thus;

i)First you must create a business or ad account, you can do this by;

  •   Signing up either using your personal page or create a fresh page from start.
  • Add cover pictures; for you to give a good image of your business to your customers, you can add a profile picture and cover photo to your business or ad account.
  •  Create username: you have to create a business to be the same or close to your business name.
  • Customize: you will be required to add your information’s to the account and this  will help to customize the business account.
  •  Create a post or content: the basis on which people will follow your page, like it or patronize it is the content you post. You can begin with an initial content of welcoming people to your page or you post a deal, a coupon, video, link, picture etc.
  • Publish and invite follows: invite people to like your page.

ii)Always post on your facebook page: after setting up a facebook page, it is incumbent on you to also create your audience. Your audience and your customers wants to know your business so that they can relate with her as an entity. You need to post quality contents on your page to sustain the interest of your audience and your customers. You must engage in regular posts of quality content that will make meaning and add value to your audience and customers.

iii)Keep followers engaged: as stated earlier, your posts on facebook should not be any kind of posts, but quality content post. Aside your content being quality, it must also be engaging. It should be conversational. Be as social as possible. Because your business is out to meet customers needs, then your posts on facebook should be able to elicit customers comments and to address those comments to their satisfaction. You must be able to convince your audience and customers that your business is responsive and capable of attending to their comments and needs.

iv)Take advantage of friends and fans: your audience and customers surely have friends and fans on facebook, by the time your customers make favourable comments on your business posts, it will be for a kind favourable influence on their friends and fans. Encourage your followers to notify their friends an fans concerning your business. Ensure you are leveraging on the sphere of influence of your facebook followers to the advantage of your business.

v)Use Facebook Ad Tools: Facebook ad tools will enable you target some specific people for your business benefit. You can target people based on age, gender, geographical location, interests etc. Facebook can help you target your advert to the people who will likely benefit  maximally from your business. With the data available to facebook, you can use it to reach the most beneficial group to your business.

vi)Use FacebooK Group: It can become very  potent to group your business. You can join or create a facebook group who forms a community around your particular product or business. These groups can try to answer or discuss on issues that surround your kind of business. For instance a health group on facebook can become an authority and can have an influence on the people in respect to your health products or business( that is in your line of business).

vii)Apply And Utilize All Facebook Features: there are many features on facebook that you can explore to the advantage of your business thus;

  • Facebook Live: you can be live on air via facebook, engaging your followers live, but you have to notify them before going live. You can arrange a programme to demonstrate a product, interview a guest etc.
  • Facebook Video: Video contents can be very powerful tools in a facebook advert. The rate of video viewing is very high and business and individuals are leveraging on it. So it will be to your advantage if you can use this feature in facebook.
  • Create a plan: You to need design program that determines when to post and how to post on your facebook ads. This means that you arrange your materials in a content calendar which will turn help you to track contents published on facebook and other platforms. Also this calendar helps you ensure that important days and occasion are recognised and sales are announced.

 In conclusion ; facebook is obviously a very available forum and means that can help businesses and individuals to enjoy a very huge volume of publicity that can favourably affect the business, bringing more customers and patronage. This could be done with or without real cost.

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