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Digital marketing includes all the online and internet collective processes, assets, transactions and activities involved in presenting products, that is, goods and services in such a way that they are desirable and acceptable. We live in an age when the internet and online media platforms is available for almost all and every kind of thing and activity. This therefore makes digital marketing an almost indispensable avenue in terms of making money. There are many ways of making money online, but in this piece we shall focus on just five ventures from which one can make money in digital marketing. The list includes:

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Coaching
  • Email marketing
  • YouTube marketing
  • Blogging
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  1. 1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based business in which independent marketers are involved to generate revenue. An affiliate marketer endorses and promotes products or services using an online/internet platform and receives compensation in form of commission. Research shows that affiliate marketing is considered as a major tool that engages clients with compelling products. Many companies and organizations run affiliate programs that offer huge opportunities to earn money. Amazon is one of such affiliate programs as it offers millions of products for affiliate marketers to promote and allows each affiliate to easily select different products according to their niche.

Affiliate marketing does not require any huge capital investment. With little or no capital, one can venture into the affiliate business and still be able to make some money. Affiliate marketing can also be a secondary source of income as people do not need to leave their current job if they start up as affiliate marketers. A marketer can start it as a side project and if it works well then, they can continue it.

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  1. 2. Coaching

As we grow in life, we acquire and develop skills and knowledge that could be useful and highly sought after.  Some people have gathered many years of experience in an industry or profession. All of these can be put to use in making money online.  Coaching could be a great way to make money with digital marketing.

People want to develop good skills in what they do instead of struggling.  By providing coaching services, you can help others achieve their learning desires so easily even using a digital platform.

Almost everybody likes competence, most people want to get good at something and are ready to pay fortunes to develop these skills, anyone who can provide these expertise can earn the fortunes.  Even those who have not accumulated skills and expertise, can deliberately seek such skills so they can provide coaching services and make profits. Selling information products and coaching are some of the best ways to earn income with digital marketing. Those who are just starting out in life (fresh graduates and youngsters) may need to exercise patience to develop their skills and expertise, because it takes time to translate knowledge into something people will pay for.

Coaching can help you build a lot of leverage into your earning possibilities. For example, you can provide online / digital consultancies and give coaching courses to your clients as a means of making money. With this method, you can create a digital product once and sell it for a very long time.

Another great option is to provide participatory group coaching using digital platforms like zoom. This gives you the ability to only spend a few hours  a month while coaching multiple people at the same time.

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  1. 3. Email Marketing

Reaching out to a large group of targeted audience using email to promote your products and services is what we often refer to as Email marketing. Your emails may be about an upcoming sale, a new launch, a special offer or anything related to your business.

This digital marketing venture called Email marketing has been known as the highest conversion ratesof any marketing channel. Many experts in this field had insisted that it is more effective at acquiring new customers than many social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter. And transactions from emails are often times more profitable than those made on social media because of the volume of reach. So this places the email marketing strategy as a very key venture in digital marketing for making money.  Let me just list some key steps that need to be taken if any one will successfully make money using the email marketing strategy. They include:

  • Start With a Targeted List
  • Set a Goal for Your Campaign
  • Work on Your Headline
  • Write an Engaging Email
  • Use Psychology to Boost Clicks
  • Use an Effective Design
  • Reward Your Readers
  • Try Upselling
  • Cross-sell Related Products
  • Send and Followup 
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1.4. YouTube Marketing

YouTube is the second biggest search engine after Google, and it had over 4 billion active users worldwide as at july 2021.

That is why this platform is just perfect as a money making avenue in digital marketing.

If handled with care and efficiency, YouTube ads can produce phenomenal results in terms of patronage for the business and in terms financial returns to all stake holders.

YouTube channel can become a veritable tool in the hands of any one who wants to venture into it as a way to make money in digital marketing. Whether you are marketing a business, product, want to build a brand, or even make money with YouTube ads on your channel, video marketing can be a great way to make money from digital marketing.

YouTube marketing is so powerful because it can work passively to earn money twenty four hours in a day.  The time you spend on creating content on YouTube can eventually be monetized and the work you do once can continue to pay you for a very long time.

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1.5. Blogging 

Blogging has become very popular and a common phenomenon in the internet and digital platforms. It has also become one of the best ways of how to make money from digital marketing. For some people, they start of by creating their own websites/ blog. For others they can write blog posts and send or post them using well established websites/blog that can monetize their blog posts. Some can even blog using social media and making money out of it.

Some other ventures of making money using online / digital platform may have their down sides.  For instance, an affiliate product that you were promoting may go into extinction in the future etc. Although those things may not likely stop the use of these ventures to make money online, however, with a blog, you eliminate some of those potential downsides.

A blog has the capability of attracting visitors to the website for a very long time and this could in turn enhance the chances of the blogger making money. So written and published blog posts can become means of reaching thousands and even millions of people as traffic on the site for so many months and even years. This in turn will become patronage and monetary reward that can also  last for months and even years.      

With a blog, you could do affiliate marketing by promoting the product of other companies. You could sell your own digital products. You could apply for Google adsense, and when you are approved you can run adverts on your blog and make lots of money. 


Making money using the digital / online platforms is not a new thing as at today. Yet we know that the potential capacity of this viable phenomenon has not been fully tapped. Although the number of awareness and participation is increasing by the day, and this is very good as it encourages competition and enhances efficiency among practitioners, we can still say that the opportunities untapped are still huge. There are multiples of ways and means of making money in digital marketing, this article has just narrowed itself to only five (5) believing that what matters most is not knowing or doing the multiple, but rather focusing on just a few. Then provide efficient services to the world using these ventures, make money for ourselves and our stake holders, thereby improve the micro and macro economy of our country and the world at large. 

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