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Expertnaire is a Nigerian indigenous Digital company found by Toyin Omotosho. The company aside from its own digital products, acts as a hub for other digital products. This means that at expertnaire, Digital Vendors, Affiliates and users are brought together. Expertnaire has not only served as a hub for digital products and vendors, but it has also provided a solid platform for a good number of Nigerians who have stood on that platform as affiliates to enhance their economic fortunes. There are multiple testimonies of young Nigerians whose financial fortunes were turned around as result of them selling digital products as affiliates of expertnaire.  The digital products sold at expertnaire are mostly SKILL ACQUISITION packages that has also gone a long way to help people rejig  and reinvent themselves, repositioning them for greater value to themselves and the society. Check Our Store

 Below are frequently asked questions about expertnaire as well as their answers just to help my readers have a better understanding of this digital hub.


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   Frequently Asked Questions:

Question: What is Expertnaire all about?

Re: Expertnaire is an online marketplace for the sale of high value digital products. On Expertnaire, there are 3 parties – The vendor, the affiliate and the customer.

The vendor refers to the person who owns the product that is been sold.Affiliates are marketers who recommend the products on the platform to people and when any of the person they refer buys, they get a commission.  Customers are simply those who purchase the products beign sold on Expertnaire.

Question: How do I become an affiliate on Expertnaire?

Re: To sign up as an affiliate on Expertnaire, you will have to pay a yearly renewable affiliate fee of N10,000 only. 

Question: How do I become a vendor on Expertnaire?

Re: Expertnaire only accepts vendors with very valuable products. To sign up as a Vendor on Expertnaire, you need to send an email to providing the details of your products and access to the product itself. More details.

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Our quality control department will review your product and decide if it meets our standard.Once your request has been approved, you will get a Vendor registration link. Vendor’s fee is N25,000 yearly. This process usually takes within 3-5 working days.

Question: How am I sure that the products on Expertnaire will deliver?Re: All the products listed on the platform goes through thorough check by our quality control department before it is listed, we are always sure to confirm authenticity of every product before having it listed on our platform.

Question: How is commission shared between vendors and affiliates?

Re: The vendors decide on the commissions. However, we generally advise and make vendors give out reasonable commissions to the affiliates so as to gear up interest on promoting their products. Get the link.

Question: Can I request for a higher commission on the product I want to promote?

Re: No you can’t. unless the vendor decides to increase it. 

Question: Does Expertnaire teach people how to sell their products?

Re: No we do not. Expertnaire only manages the platform to make it very useful to all the 3 parties interested. However, we created a Telegram group where you can network and learn from other top affiliates.

Question: Do vendors make emails swipes or materials available to promote products on Expertnaire?


Re: Some vendors do, others don’t provide any marketing materials

Question: How do I get paid?

Re: Expertnaire pays affiliates and vendors via bank deposit. Your money is sent to a valid bank account that has your name on it. Affiliates are paid every Friday of the week. Vendors are paid bi-monthly.   Check Our Store

Question: Can I change the bank account details on my Expertnaire account?

Re: Yes you can. However, the bank account must be from a Nigerian bank and must correspond with the name on the affiliate account.

Question: Can I come to your office anytime I need help?

Re: There is hardly any issue that can’t be resolved remotely. You can get help through our customer service channels (phone & email)

Question: How do I contact the Expertnaire support as an affiliate or vendor?

Re: You can do so by sending an email to or you can call our support line – (080-90655920( 9am-5pm, Mon – Fri)

I wish to recommend for all my readers to take advantage of the multiple opportunities offered by expertnaire to either sell their products as vendors or to exploit the affiliate opportunities for residual income or to rejig and reinvent yourselves for greater value to yourself and the society.  Please check some of the digital products links herein, that you can explore for better values:      VISIT OUR MARKET PLACE

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