Opportunities proffered by social media to improve business performance

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“About 97 percent of the marketers use social media for their business growth,”

It signifies how pivotal social media marketing is to boost your business’s economic growth.

 Social media is now accessible to even children nowadays. That is why it is one step ahead of any other media, plus SSM is the first choice of any firm to use as a catalyst for their business growth.

Top 5 Impacts of Social Media that helped Businesses Improve Their performance

1.Brand Recognition

Brand recognition is key to building a brand’s goodwill as consumers are more likely to attract brands they know.

For example, you will most likely prioritize a branded shirt over any normal cloth shop shirt because of its goodwill.

Social media platforms are the fastest mode of building brand recognition as most of the nation has access to it.

You can post advertising posters and can create brand pages for this purpose.

However, you should pay special attention towards profile picture and cover photos so that they are not overbearing, and they should make the consumer think of your brand subconsciously.

Coca-Cola likes to keep it simple yet elegant on their tweeter.

The logo is located on the profile picture, while the cover picture comprises a happy couple holding a bottle of coca-cola, which subconsciously relates coca-cola with happy moments.

In this way, Coca-Cola creates brand recognition in a very delicate way.

2.Customer loyalty

Loyal customers are the biggest strength of any firm as they always choose you over your competitors, and they bring more customers with them.

Any firm must appreciate them and keep them engaged so that they will continue to favor your brand in the future.

Social media platforms are just right for this purpose.

For instance, you can provide them with free access to any of your premium programs, or you can give them promo codes for extra discounts on their next purchase to keep them engaged.

Click and participate is a good example of appreciating plus rewarding customers at the same time.

3.Retargeting :

It is the most powerful weapon to boost your sales as only about 2 percent of the customers buy your stuff on the first visit. But what about the rest of them? Well, here comes the retargeting tool for help.

This tool makes customers remember what they were looking for on the website by running retargeting advertisements on their social media account,

 It is often helpful in convincing customers to buy that product.

4.Data gathering through social media.

Data gathering is the first step of marketing as it helps to study and analyze the current needs and trends of the market and design the goods accordingly.

 No other thing on earth can serve best for this cause than social media.

 You can put on surveys forms and feedback forms on social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, and gather information.

It is free as well in most cases which is just a plus point.

For instance, YouTube surveys are the best examples that pop up before any video you watch.

5.Proportioning  and marketing  of new product

One of the great blessings of social media is that you can spread words about your upcoming product or spread awareness about the updates of the new product in no time.

Posters are likely to be posted on brand pages, and advertisements are run across the social media channel, which gains the customers’ attention in no time.

However, stay extra careful not to irritate customers with tons and tons of back-to-back advertising.


Social media is the most effective means of expanding business nowadays. And can produce the magical result that is why more and more people are adopting this mode. The only condition is, its efficient usage.

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