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Lets start this write up by looking at a working definition of digital marketing. The word marketing can be defined for working purposes as the collective processes, assets, transactions and activities involved in presenting products,  goods and services in such a way that they are desirable and acceptable. The word digital here does not refer to mere numbers and binary but rather electronic and computerised online activities. So Digital Marketing can be defined as,   the online and internet collective processes, assets, transactions and activities involved in presenting products, goods and services in such a way that they are desirable and acceptable. Email marketing, pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing and even blogging are all great examples of digital marketing—they help introduce to people companies, goods / services and convince them to buy or patronise. With the above working definition, let’s look at some of the amazing benefits of digital marketing to both the company and its customers.

  1. Global Audience :

 One of the outstanding features of the internet is its ability to access the entire globe same time or within a very minimal time. The digital arena has the whole world on its platform and can be accessed from any where in the globe. As at 19 Mar. 2021 according to data obtained from internetlivestats, internet users were over 4.86 billion, Facebook active users were over 2.75 billion. Youtube viewers on just that date were over 4.93 billion. These figures keep going up per second everyday, as at this time you are reading this article, these figures quoted here would have gone up with several thousands or millions.  With the very wide and humongous traffic of humans witnessed on the internet per second of the day all around the world, it is unimaginable the number of people  companies and business owners can reach marketing their products through the internet. It is common knowledge that the internet as at today is an all comers affair, every one both old and young can access the internet without restriction. The companies and business owners are exposed to variety and different categories of people from where they can chose their catchments and segments that they can focus their marketing drive.  Just one social media forum like facebook or instagram can offer a business owner several millions of human audience in a very short moment.  You can imagine the enormous volume of human traffic a business owner would reach by the time he engages upto two or three internet medium to market his products. traditional marketing cannot easily reach such volume of human traffic no matter the expertise of the business owner.

2. Variety of Brands and Products for the Consumers:

The advent of digital marketing has opened up opportunity for the consumer to access a very wide variety of brands and qualities of a particular item in just a very short time. For instance a consumer who is interested in a mobile phone, by browsing through the internet is very sure of being exposed to several brands, different qualities and ranges of same item just by a few clicks and a very short time. This way the consumer is no longer subjected to few brands and varieties of any particular item and the possible exploitation that go with it. As a result of this advantage that digital marketing has offered the consumer, he can take his time to search the internet until he is able to find the exact brand, quality or size of the product he wants. The consumer can go the whole hog to wait and to search extensively because he knows that as long as internet is existing the chances of getting what he wants is very high. In some instances while one is just browsing or doing one thing or other online, not necessarily searching for products, then the advert of a particular product will just pop up, it may turn out to be a product that this person has been thinking about but may be he has not got the time to search for it, then suddenly digital marketing brings it right to his door step. This is amazing.

3. Huge Turn over and Sales for Companies and Business Owners:

With the enormity of the volume of human traffic that the internet opens up for companies and business owners, it’s only natural that the chances of sales and turn over would be very high. It is true that not every one that viewed the advert or presentation of any product online will end up buying the product, yet we all know that the probability of sales occurrence is higher as the number of people to whom the product is introduced goes higher. The various tactics and formats of digital marketing can expose a product to several millions or even billions of people in a short moment of time thereby shooting up the possible number of the people that will buy. Online marketing has no doubt enhanced the volume of turn over of many companies and business ventures because of the huge number of people being reached within a short period, a feat that conventional and traditional marketing cannot easily achieve within the same time frame as the digital marketing.

4. Enhancement of Healthy Competition:

Every responsible company and business owner who engages in digital or online marketing is aware that as several millions of people are viewing their brands, so also they are viewing other brands so as to arrive at making  wise and satisfying choices. What this means is that companies that engage online as a means to market their products must ensure that what they bring to the market are quality products that are capable of meeting their target customer needs.   Healthy completion brings out the best in companies and organizations as each one tries to  build a digital marketing strategy that will help them build their brand awareness and drive traffic to increase  sales.  Many companies and businesses are ramping up on their digital marketing campaigns, using various digital channels available, including display, SEO, PPC, Mobile and Social Media. In all of these, these companies and business owner must deliver what they promised, and for them to do this, they must of necessity work on their products so that it will deliver whatever they have promised using any of the digital marketing channels.

5. Quality and Satisfying Products for the Consumer:

The possible outcome of a healthy completion among companies and businesses is that each one will like to give their best so that their product or brand will earn the patronage of the consumer. This in turn offers the consumer the position of a king. With variety of quality brands abundantly present via the digital market, the consumer will be left with a great privilege and opportunity of choosing only the quality product that will surely meet his needs within his budget.  So many consumers no longer border themselves travelling from one city to another or going from one particular market to another searching for some kind of products because of their unique quality or may be because the product is scarce. The consumers from any part of the world, can now search and discover any kind of product, different qualities and sizes which are capable of meeting his needs, all thanks to digital marketing.

6. Ease of Transactions:

One of the known and standing out benefits of digital and online transaction is the ease and convenience that it offers both to the companies and businesses as well as the consumers. The businesses can contact and transact with their agencies or affiliate marketers just sitting down at their offices. While the consumer can access multiple brands and products from where he can make a satisfying choice just by a few clicks on his computer or telephone handset.  With the advent of the internet, business and marketing transactions has never been so easy. Whatever form of digital marketing you can think about, be it Email marketing, pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing and even blogging, or any other one, can be used and accessed with so much ease from any where.   Without the risk of travelling far and wide in search of certain products, the consumer has been offered a very huge opportunity of sitting down in the comfort and convenience of his home or office, search and order for all kinds of product and have it delivered at his doorsteps. This is great.

7. Reduced cost and less logistics

Although digital marketing is not without costs, having been involved in the conventional sales and marketing business, I can say with certainty that digital marketing offers  reduced cost compared to the volume of traffic that can be reached on the internet which will hardly be reached by the traditional marketing systems with even higher cost. Also digital marketing saves companies and businesses the hassles of logistics involved in the traditional marketing processes. Sometimes in the traditional marketing process like bill board advertising for example, after a company has spent so much setting up a bill board advert, weather condition, hoodlums, political decisions etc can take down the bill board just a few hours or days after it was raised. The company will sure lose that huge cost for nothing, they will need to spend same money or more if they have to continue that campaign. Such huge loss cannot easily happen in an online campaign. Hoodlums, politicians and weather conditions cannot so easily waste an online campaign.

8. Offers Employment and Avenue for making money:

Internet marketing has come with great opportunities of employment which many are exploiting today. Digital Marketing has changed the way companies market their products and will continue to remain relevant in companies as it is a necessity now and the future, even more rapidly now than in the past. This translates into jobs and future employment security, for those willing to learn and upgrade their digital marketing skills and knowledge. Employment growth will be witnessed as businesses and other organizations adopt and integrate digital marketing strategies and seek to maximize the efficiency of their digital marketing investments. Affiliate marketing, Email marketing, Facebook,  Instagram, Youtube etc are some of the assets and platforms that has created employment and avenue of making money that many has found and are exploiting while they smile to the banks.


Digital marketing or online / internet marketing as it is easily referred to, has come with very outstanding benefits to all the stake holders in the marketing and entire business world. The companies, business organisations and even consumers  alike has been greatly affected by the phenomenon called digital marketing such that non of the stake holder ever wishes it will come to an end. It has helped Businesses and organisations reach unimaginable audiences, It has given room for healthy competitions and lead to improvement of quality in products. It has created jobs and helped many to create wealth, and many more benefits.

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