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If you want to write an email copy people would like to read, then you must be ready to face the challenge. There are almost infinite number of details one has to consider as an email copywriter. Sometimes it looks like an uphill battle that simply can’t be won. We may not dwell on what can go wrong, rather we will focus on what best copywriters and email marketers do about their favorite email copywriting best practices and tips on how to write emails that people will love reading.

We shall look at just a few email copywriting tricks and tips that can help you write a compelling email copy that convinces, nurtures, converts, and sells any day any time.

  1. Knowing Your Target Audience: This is everything if you want to use these tips correctly and produce the best email copy for your campaign. You want to know:

Your prospect’s needs, aims, desires, and fears.

The decision-making process.

The criteria that have an impact on their decision.

What influences them when they have doubts?

What they may want in the future.

The motives for their further actions.

What type of conversation your buyers prefer

As the great George Gribbin said, “A copywriter should have an understanding of people, an insight into them, a sympathy towards them”. If you feel confident about your understanding of the prospect, you’re ready to proceed.

  1. Personalized Approach: This is probably the most common copywriting model. It focuses on a specific reader. Using this formula your email will become more personal and recipient-centered. Moreover, emails with this strategy won’t look like a blast, but like a friendly offer from one person to another. The following are the elements of this email approach:

Attention – Ensure you catch the prospect’s attention with the subject line or opening sentence. Analyze your target audience to identify what can get them to notice you.

Interest–  Since you now have your target audience’s attention, appeal to their professional or personal interest. Escalate their pain points. Make it all about your prospect, not you.

Desire–  Make a list of all the benefits you offer, and describe their value. Stimulate desire by deploying social proof, scarcity effect, exclusivity, or telling how your offer would change your prospect’s life.

Action – Now that you have caught your reader’s attention, stimulated their interest, and built a desire for your offer, it’s time to end your email by asking for a specific action. Be exact, and definite in your instructions, and don’t confuse them with multiple options.


  1. Image Creation Strategy or BAB (Before–After–Bridge) This strategy is designed to make a specific offer that appeals to the needs and desires of your prospects. The following are the key points in this approach:

Before: – Describe a challenge your prospect faces. Make sure to only list the problems and consequences that your product or service can reduce or solve.

After – Ensure you show them how awesome the future without this problem could be. If you have specific statistics or numbers – use them. Be as graphic as possible.

Bridge – Clearly explain how your product or service can help them reach that future you have shown them. To get maximum effect, write one short paragraph for each element of the formula. Don’t forget about a call to action either. This formula is a big hit with cold emails. It works because it is based on the Freudian pleasure principle, according to which humans are instinctively seeking for pleasure and avoiding pain. These are the two main things that motivate people to act.



  1. Pain points or PAS (Problem – Agitate – Solve) Strategy.

The PAS strategy is based on finding out a unique pain point. But instead of giving a vision of the glittering future free of this problem as in BAB, you try pouring salt on the wound and escalate it. Here are the details:

Problem – Identify a sore point. Having known who your prospect or audience is, you must also know a definite problem or pain point associated with him.

Agitate – Drive home the severity of this problem by going into the specifics of it. Reinforce your statement with examples, personal experience, or links to sources that prove it. As much as possible make the problem look so bad.

Solve – After hammering so much on the pain or problem, now you should be the hero who has a solution to the problem. The PAS formula works because pain is a greater motivator than pleasure. People are more likely to take action to avoid possible negative consequences than doing something for positive gain. Making the prospects imagine how their problem could get worse or affect other aspects of their life will motivate them to look for a solution, which is what you now offer.

  1. Question – Value proposition – Call to action (QVC)

Believe me on this, starting your email with a question helps attract the recipient’s attention.  It is also recommended to keep your cold email between 3 and 5 sentences. If you don’t know how to manage this complex task, use the helpful formula below.

Question – Do not border for introduction. Instead, go straight to the point and lead in with a question closely related to your offer and the recipient’s problem.

Value Proposition – Go ahead and Communicate your core message and try to highlight what makes you stand out from everyone else.

Call To Action – The final point of your email should be strong. Use a closing call to action that elicits a response.

Just like the BBB formula, QVC is supposed to be concise and strong. Give attention to every word.



  1. Use Courtesy or PPP (Praise – Picture – Push) Strategy.

Here the PPP strategy employs the play of psychology and it works: when you are praised, even by people you don’t know, dopamine is released and, as a result, improves your mood. Here are the details of how it works;

Praise – Start the email by genuinely praising your prospect in some way. When you receive a compliment it activates the same pleasure centers as when you receive money. It’s a compelling scene starter for your email.

Picture – Build a cause-and-effect sequence to clearly show how your product or service can help your prospect. When you explain cause and effect, prospects trust you and your arguments more.

Push – Stir up their curiosity. Give a taste of your offer, but don’t go into detail on all the benefits. Provide just enough information to excite the prospect’s interest and push them to action.


  1. Fuel their feeling or SSS (Star – Story – Solution) strategy.

SSS is a short character-focused strategy with the following elements:

Star – Begin with the star of your story. It can be your idea, product, service, new feature, your prospect, or even you.

Story – Here you can now talk about the problem the star faces. Keep your story coherent and captivating.

Solution – In this paragraph, you describe what turned out to be a winning situation for the star.

There is no need to be too dramatic with your story. Just try to identify your prospects’ problems and stir their feelings. This will make your solution stand out.


  1. 8. Allow them to go or BYAF (But You Are Free)

This formula is a very simple but effective way of achieving compliance.

How you can effect it is just to state that a prospect is free to refuse your offer or request. Its persuasive efficiency has been proven over and over. The fact is that by recognizing the target audience’s freedom to say “no” you double your chances to receive an affirmative response. Yes, it’s as easy as that!

We are here for you. TO CRAFT FOR YOU THE BEST CONVERTING Emails.  Contact us @ +234  07039601450


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